Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wanna make new neighbors fast ?? Here is way.

Hey farmers....
If you want to make some farmville friends quickly I can help you with that.
One way is to go to the link is given in this site.) where you can find a list farmville fans in the left side of the site.From there you can add as many people as you want and get new neighbors quickly(This is how I began to make farmville friends).
Although the task seems tedious but its worth it.
Also i have another easy way that is
You can leave your facebook profile link here.
And we will add you in facebook. And than send you some friend suggestions through our account.
You can make more than 50 friends in a day with this.
We will try to answer your request as soon as possible.
Or you can add me in your friend list in facebook and ask me for friend suggestion there itself by sending message or by chatting(This is the fastest way of making new neighbours).
click here to go to my profile on facebook