Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Farmville helped me learn a lesson

I was playing on my farm as usual when suddenly a thought struck me.
"Is this what I should do all day or should I also do some thing worthy and help in making earth a better place to live in" .

I mean we hear daily about global warming, pollution, weather and climate changes, floods , earth quakes etc etc.. and what do we do about it? Almost nothing except cursing and worrying.
So a few months ago I took my first step in this direction and started planting tress in my neighborhood.
Now they have grown into small plants and seeing them grow makes me feel good.
Now when I have done at least this much i felt it would be great if I could inspire other people to do so not only in my neighborhood but also around the world because the issue is global and not local.
So i urge you people to put at least 30 to 40 percent of the effort and time that u give in playing "farmville" in doing some thing for MOTHER EARTH like planting trees or cleaning neighborhoods using less plastic, polluting less etc and making people aware about the problems and solutions and also what ever you can and help EARTH i.e. help yourself.