COW has introduced market place to make the game more interesting.
You need to unlock this by researching mercantilism.
It takes 8 hours and needs 3000 coins.
The various steps are shown as in picture.
Get going and get it done.
You can find one market place at sophies.
Simple and easy.
This is how basically the market place work.
After you complete your research merecentalism. You will get a market place to place in your city.
So place it in your city.
Now click on the market place to get inside menu.
Now you can tell your allies by clicking on that button to tell them what you are selling
and at what prize.
Now click on the help button to see how it works.
Now this is what it means.
1. Every time you make goods in the goods building you have a chance to find some goods like tulips, lumber rubies, or steel.
2. Now you can visit your friends market place.
3. Check for the amount offered for your good by them. compare and chose your best sell.
4. Visit sophia to make money.
You can find all the goods you have collected here.