Here is new ginger house details for you.
You will find that in market under buildings.
Click on the “Buildings” tab and it should be one of the first entries you see in the “All” sub-category:
Now you can place the unreconstructed structure in the field. You will need 18 each of wooden board, bricks and nails to complete the building.
Now the building under its various stages is shown below in the pic.
Now you can find all the gift links here for the buildings.
Also you can get building materials in following ways.
* Asking your neighbors for these parts by posting a help request to your feed (click on the “Ask For More” button for each type of part).
* Give parts to your neighbors via the Free Gifts page or the “Send Gifts” button.
* Acquire individual parts by spending Farm Cash (click on the “Buy” button for that particular part). Each part is 1 Farm Cash.
* Acquire all needed parts for the building by spending Farm Cash (click on the “Complete Now” button to purchase parts for the rest of the building). The Cost is X Farm Cash, where X is the amount of parts left needed to finish the building.
* Parts awarded through Special Delivery Boxes.
* Using individual parts available in your Gift Box.
There’s no limit as to how many Gingerbread Houses you can purchase, though you can only start building one at a time (and it needs to be fully completed before you can work on another one). The Gingerbread House can be stored in the Storage Cellar/Barn, but will not be available in the Market after January 7, 2011.